Roles and Responsibilities

Duties and responsibility for all committee members:

  • Attend quarterly virtual committee meetings to plan the annual scientific meeting, discuss issues related to urogenital radiology and respond to communication from RCR and other specialist societies.
  • Work collaboratively with other committee members to serve the requirements of the BSUR members and other stakeholders
  • Actively participate at the AGM and ASM
  • Provide educational content to the website
  • Participate in the RCR i-Refer panel


  • Ensure committee meetings and AGM are effectively organised and minuted
  • Circulate meeting agendas to the committee and members
  • Communicate effectively with members, other stakeholders and industry sponsors to further the work of the society
  • Work collaboratively with the Chair to ensure the committee operates in accordance with the constitution and inform members of upcoming positions.


  • Handle the financial affairs of the society and manage transactions between stakeholders, meeting venues and industry sponsors
  • Attract sponsorship from industry sponsors and other charitable organisations for BSUR educational events and training bursaries
  • Respond to any payment queries from members with respect to subscriptions or registration fees for BSUR events
  • Present financial summary at the yearly AGM

Education officer:

  • Work with the committee to expand the educational content on the website for BSUR members and patients
  • Organise webinars covering topics of interest for BSUR members
  • Support the RCR in reviewing the training curriculum related to urogenital radiology and formulating MCQ questions for the FRCR 2A examination
  • Coordinate scoring of abstract submissions and oral/poster presentations
  • Work with trainee representatives to establish fellowship and training opportunities across the UK and feature these on the BSUR website

Research/Guidelines officer:

  • Ensure key guidelines for urogenital imaging are available on the BSUR website and to update these as required
  • Advise the RCR iRefer panel after consultation with the BSUR committee and members
  • Work closely with the RCR, specialist societies and expert UK radiologists to support research activity and develop/update imaging guidelines
  • Represent the BSUR in national and international consensus meetings

BAUS Representative:

  • Work collaboratively with BAUS section of endourology to support audit, research and training with respect to endourology
  • Provide expert advice on imaging and interventional radiology related issues after consultation with the committee and members
  • Attend quarterly virtual meetings
  • Support BAUS in educational events and deliver presentations on request, or approach suitable speakers
  • Work collaboratively with the research/guidelines officer to advise BAUS on imaging guidelines

Website and Communications Officer:

  • Work with our website developer to curate the BSUR website and ensure content is kept relevant and up-to-date
  • Direct website communications from members and stakeholders to the appropriate committee members
  •  Maintain educational content on the website in collaboration with the education officer, co-opted representatives and trainee representatives
  •  Co-ordinate the BSUR Twitter account, and expand the profile of the society on social media platforms to advertise educational events

Co-opted Urology representative:

  • Have wide experience of the subspecialty and evidence of previous involvement at local and national level in service development, research and leadership roles
  • Participate in subspecialty discussions provide advice to the committee where necessary and representing the society more generally in the radiological community
  • Help organise the urology elements of the ASM and other invited meetings, webinars
  • Keep urology content of website updated